API Reference
1 minute guide
Our API provides a simple web based REST interface.
API functions are often called "Endpoints", which is a fancy name for a URL or web address that is called by your program or web page script.
Sometimes these "Endpoints" also accept information. This information is usually called a "parameter" or "argument".
Our API is currently at V1 and the principle focus is the use of predictive analytics to forecast the movement direction Bitcoin cryptocurrency against the US Dollar BTC/USD. The API centres around 3 functional endpoints which allow the end user to obtain market quotes, 1 hour future direction forecasts and a 24 hour history and automated backtest data. The API is a constant work in progress with a long future feature list. Please be sure to check the API documentation here regularly for new SYMBOLS, time frames and modes.
Available Endpoints v1.0.0.0
Call our API to get up to the minute quotes on a range of popular forex and cryptocurrency pairs.
example php CURL request
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
Obtain a list of the previous 24 hours forecasts complete with accuracy and pre-calculated win/loss ratio indicators.
<ACCESSCODE> Replace with your access code. If you do not have a code you can check out our pricing and order one here.
example php CURL request
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
The above CURL request will return a JSON OBJECT result like the example below:
"FROM": "06:00PM", "UNTIL": "06:59PM", "DATE": "2020-22-10", "DIR": "DN", "PREDICTED": "DN", "RESULT": "YES", "SPOTRESULT": "YES", "SYMBOL": "BTCUSD", "CONFIDENCE": "55.25", "WINLOSSRATIO": "1.00:1", "PROFIT": 0.33333330000095884, "LOSS": 0, "PROFITSPOT": 0.33333330000095884, "LOSSSPOT": 0, "SPOTWINLOSS": "1.00:1", "ACCURACY": "100.00", "ACCURACYATCONFIDENCE": 0, "SPOTACCURACY": "100.00", "CONFIDENTPREDICTION": 0, "WINLOSSRATIOATCONFIDENCE": "0.00:1", "RUN": 1, "UPN": "44.753086419753 55.246913580247 0", "SRC": "UPUPUPDNUPUPUPDN", "SIXHOUR": null, "TWELVEHOUR": null, "OPEN": "13058.0", "LOW": "13022.0", "HIGH": "13067.0", "CLOSE": "13051.0", "MA": "13045.7666667", "TAKEPROFIT": "0.275693", "THISPROFIT": 0.275693, "ROLLINGPROFIT": 0.275693, "SPOTPROFIT": 0.275693 }
The fields hopefully are named with self evident naming convention.
Obtain a forecast for the selected currency pair direction (currently BTC/USD) for the next hour.
<ACCESSCODE> Replace with your access code. If you do not have a code you can check out our pricing and order one here.
<SYMBOL> Specify the currency(s) you wish analyse. Currently responds to 'BTC' only in v1.0.0.0.
example php CURL request
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
The above call will return a JSON OBJECT result like the example below:
"VALID_FROM": "2020-25-10 08-AM",
"VALID_UNTIL": "2020-25-10 09-AM",
"FROM": "08:00AM",
"UNTIL": "08:59AM",
"DATE": "2020-25-10",
"TIME": "2020-25-10 08:45:07",
"DIR": "UP",
"CONFIDENCE": "58.82",
"FC": "272",
"UPN": "58.8235294118 40.8088235294 0.367647058824",
"TERMS": "This data is not financial advice. Use at your own risk subject to terms of service available at https:\/\/finance.toridion.com\/site\/disclaimer"
The JSON OBJECT contains a number of fields and it is important to fully understand what each field means.
Forecast validity period
Any forecast is valid for a period of time. Toridion Finance (currently) calculates a probability that the SYMBOL will move in a forecast DIR 1 hour in the future from the start of the hour. So if the time is 08:45 (as in the example above) then the DIR will be valid for 08:00 to 08:59. The validity period in FTF MODE is always for a fixed time frame of 1 hour from XX:00:01 minutes to XX:59:59 regardless of when in the hour you call predict_crypto.
VALID_FROM denotes the start hour:00 for which the forecast DIR is valid.
VALID_UNTIL denotes the end hour:00 for which the forecast DIR is valid.
FROM - UNTIL denote the exact time in HH:MMAM/PM that the DIR is valid for
Updates and feature roadmap
We are planning on adding Ethereum to the API in Q1 2021.